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Media that inspires.

12vibe is a community of creators giving back. We host fun events, sell consumer goods and donate 12% of our net profits to charity.


12vibe symbolizes Good Energy.


Pass It On

Goods that give.

Our Story

One day I was walking down the street when I saw a man wearing a Juniata College sweatshirt. I stopped him and said, “Nice sweatshirt, did you happen to know my grandfather Bob Sill?” He got quiet for a second and then replied, “Bob Sill got me into this school, and the experience I had there changed my life. I am forever thankful for him.” In that moment, I realized that everything PopPop had taught me was true: nobody will remember you for a number in a bank account and nobody will care about the fancy things you were able to fill your house with. But – they will remember how you treated them and how you made them feel. Your actions will live on long after you are gone. The 12vibe is a symbol for living a life beyond yourself. It embodies the idea that nobody is better than anyone else. It doesn’t ask for much, but it does require one thing from you in whatever path you choose: always have fun and enjoy the moment. 
12vibe was created as a tribute to our grandfather and the way he lived his life. Our purpose is to collaborate with our community to give back and have fun.
Bob Sill

Our grandfather wore #12 on the football team at Juniata College and it’s been our family number ever since.

The Daily Thought is an email we share every day that includes practical and inspiring content to help you become the best version of your self.